Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gapped Teeth

Gapped teeth has been the top talk in this generation. A lot are talking about teeth gap in the web through tweets, facebook status post and youtube videos. This topic was considered trending in social networking sites. A lot of people are saying that individuals who has teeth gap are hot and teeth gap is a fashion trend. However, most women don't look like Brigitte Bardot, Georgia May or Madonna with teeth gap.

Teeth gap is actually a condition called diastema. No matter how pretty and elegant celebrities will look with teeth gap, in most eyes of people, it's still a hideous gapped tooth. Now, how will you going to fix it? There are two ways of fixing gaps in front teeth:

The Expensive Method
Well if you have the money, you can go to a cosmetic dentist, pay hundreds or thousands of dollars and have it fixed. You can use veneers or have braces put on and look like a teen geek for a few years  until the problem has been corrected.  Doesn’t sound too good, does it? Well, now let’s talk about a real solution, one that is inexpensive, and works quickly within a matter of a few weeks.  I’m talking about teeth bands.

The Inexpensive Method
Use elastic pressure teeth bands. Now this is not a new invention, dentists have been using elastic teeth bands for decades, but they don’t want to give you this secret inexpensive solution to a tooth gap. A dentist may use teeth bands, but only after having placed braces on or done other expensive orthodontics procedures.  He certainly isn’t going to tell you that simply wearing teeth elastic bands at night for a few weeks is going to solve a small tooth gap. Why that would be too easy, and much too cheap a solution. So, because we believe that the only solution to an unsightly adult tooth gap is either to live with it or pay the dentist thousands of dollars to get it fixed. That decision is easy – you simply live with the problem.
But what if I told you that you could buy elastic teeth bands for about $30 a package,  wear one each night for a period of 30 to 60 days and the gap would disappear.  Would you be willing to try this solution? Many people are, and have had excellent results. They have removed the gap that did not make them look like Brigitte Bardot and instead joined the millions of other beautiful people with beautiful smiles. The process is easy, simply place a pressured teeth band around the outside edges of the gapped teeth. Go to bed every night with one of these bands on.  Wait for a few weeks and start to see the closing of the gap.

True, some people may feel that the gapped teeth are a little sensitive after using the band. Well, they should be,  after all the teeth are moving. If the teeth weren’t  a little sore the bands wouldn’t be working. But this sensitive feeling isn’t anything you can’t live with. How many people live with cut and bleeding gums plus sensitive teeth when they use braces?  Certainly the least intrusive method of correcting the condition and the least painful is through the use to teeth bands.

9 out of 10 people will tell you that a smile is important, so don’t be fooled into thinking the problem does not make you look that bad. Face it, a gapped tooth look is ugly!  The condition is a problem, one that needs to be solved as quickly, cheaply and as efficiently as possible.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to close gaps in front teeth

One of the most common questions nowadays is the question on how to close gaps in front teeth.  Dental professionals introduced several treatments for teeth gap.  Before the treatment is given to individuals who has teeth problem, there are factors considered. Treatments will depend on individuals’ situations. Factors are as follows:
  1. The preference of the patients
  2. Teeth gap size
  3. The teeth condition
  4. The position of the gap
The following are list of treatments that can be given on patient on different basis:

Orthofill bands
Orthofill Bands can treat teeth gaps not more than 3.5mm. Before using the bands, make sure that you are not moving fake teeth. Start wearing the bands in maximum of 12 hours a day until the teeth gap is closed. Then wear the bands 24 hours a day for 30 consecutive days to ensure that the movement of your teeth is permanent. Do not miss to wear the bands more than 2 days during the process to successfully and permanently close space between teeth.
Porcelain Veneers
For patients who have teeth gap in the front which is commonly called as (diastema) porcelain veneers can be a good remedy, however it is not advisable if the gap is too large because if the patient will insist to do so it may result to a unnatural smile since the aim of cosmetic dentistry is to offer people a natural looking treatment she/he be referred to another treatment.

Cosmetic Bonding
Cosmetic bonds provide a quick solution for teeth gap. If you are a person who have a gap between teeth this probably your answer, for you to be guided ask an expert about cosmetic bonds and how to acquire it. Orthofill offers the most exceptional dental bands, in fact there are already thousands of satisfied customers who proven it great.

Orthodontics Braces
The most conservative way to fix gap in teeth is through the use of conventional braces. There are several types of braces like invisible and clear braces. The dentist will be the one to decide what the appropriate brace is for a patient; however the patient can choose what she/he wants.

The Use of Implants
If the teeth gap is too large due to missing tooth orthodontics is not applicable anymore. The missing part should be replaced for functional purposes because if a person suffer from missing tooth it will be hard for him to eat on natural basis and pronounce words correctly. Dental implants are also a long term solution.
There are several ways how to treat teeth gap, if you are suffering from such problem the best thing you will do is to ask an initial assessment from the dentist to define your problem accurately. To jump directly into conclusion is the common mistakes of most people, if you want to acquire a long lasting beautiful smile then let the expert works for you.

Everyone is unique; sometimes it is hard to figure out why teeth gap occurs, yet there are several factors like genetics and our lifestyle. If your parents have space between teeth then there is a great possibility that you will have too. On the other hand our daily habits can affect tooth shifting resulting to gap like pen biting, sucking our thumb during childhood and many more. Good thing to know that nowadays there are now innovative solutions for such dental problem making it easy for everyone to achieve a dazzling smile.

Six Reasons Why People Look For Alternative To Braces

Conscious people visit dentists to have a better smile. Braces have been the common dental solution for teeth problems for a very long time. But a lot of them were unhappy with braces and look for some other dental solutions alternative to braces. Good thing to know that there are a lot of available dental products nowadays to choose from.

Braces are proven to be effective and the best solution for teeth problems such as crooked teeth and teeth gap but despite of the advantages that it gives, it is still accompanied by some disadvantages. To point some, I prepared here the six reasons why people look for alternative to braces.


Since braces is made up of metal and our mouth is made of sensitive tissues therefore it really cause discomfort, however pain and sore will only last up to days yet it is not very desirable to feel such thing. Part of maintaining the functionality of braces you have to visit your orthodontist regularly for check-up which is very hassle especially for working people.

It takes time to see the result

Straightening adult’s teeth really takes time. In fact study shows that a regular patient needs to wear the braces up to 3 years before acquiring the result, while other dental formula takes only a month. However there are times that result comes early than expected,

Limit the food you eat

The common reason why people look for alternative to braces dental formula is they need to sacrifice in eating their favorite food. People who have braces are not allowed to eat hard food because it may damage the braces wiring and also sticky food like chewing gum.

Oral hygiene

People who have braces usually have a hard time in cleaning their teeth. It is because of the wiring especially when flossing the teeth; it is very hassle since the floss will tangle on the wire.

Extensive self-awareness

The moment you start wearing braces you have also to increase your self -awareness. When you are doing sports you need to secure a mouth guard to protect the braces from breakage that cause you to be careful in everything you do.

Cause self-distraction

Some teenagers don’t prefer braces because of self-consciousness. Having something in your mouth is truly disgusting but sometimes you don’t have any choice because it is badly needed.
These are the common cause why lots of individuals spend time in searching for alternative to braces formula, simply because they believe that acquiring perfect smile does not mean to be hassle. Every one of us always go for something which is comfortable. In connection to this fact, dental professionals and manufacturers of dental products all over the world continue to find innovative dental alternative to address the concern of the general public.

Orthofill dental bands can be a good dental solution alternative to braces. This is made of plastic polymer that solve teeth imperfection such as dental gaps. In fact there are already numerous satisfied patients all over the world, however everyone is given a choice what alternative he prefer to use.